14 Juni 2009

modifikasi ceria

extrems..... ga nyangka totalitasnya...

17 Mei 2009


ide kreatif, treadmill tapi diatas speedfit

15 April 2009

2 girl in 1 body

Abigail Loraine Hensel and Brittany Lee Hensel were born on 7 March 1990, Carver County, Minnesota, United States and they are dicephalic conjoined twins. Brittany is the left twin, and Abigail is the right twin. They have two spines which join at the pelvis. They have two stomachs, three lungs, and two arms. (A third, underdeveloped and useless arm between their heads was removed in infancy.)

Most of Abigail and Brittany's shared organs lie below the waist line. The deatil is presented below:

2 heads
2 arms -- originally 3, but the short malformed central arm was removed
2 spinal cords and backbones which merge at the pelvis - surgery corrected scoliosis
3½ lungs -- surgery expanded their chest cavity
2 breasts
2 hearts in a shared circulatory system -- medicine taken by either affects both
1 liver
2 stomachs
3 kidneys
2 gallbladders
1 bladder
1 ribcage
1 large intestine
1 female reproductive system

ESRB Rating Symbols

Titles rated EC (Early Childhood) have content that may be suitable for ages 3 and older. Contains no material that parents would find inappropriate.

Titles rated E (Everyone) have content that may be suitable for ages 6 and older. Titles in this category may contain minimal cartoon, fantasy or mild violence and/or infrequent use of mild language.

Titles rated E10+ (Everyone 10 and older) have content that may be suitable for ages 10 and older. Titles in this category may contain more cartoon, fantasy or mild violence, mild language and/or minimal suggestive themes.

Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language.

Titles rated M (Mature) have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language.

Titles rated AO (Adults Only) have content that should only be played by persons 18 years and older. Titles in this category may include prolonged scenes of intense violence and/or graphic sexual content and nudity.

Titles listed as RP (Rating Pending) have been submitted to the ESRB and are awaiting final rating. (This symbol appears only in advertising prior to a game's release.)

05 April 2009

daftar games netbook

Mobile Intel® 945GM Express Chipset Family
Game playability on Microsoft Windows XP*

Intel has compiled a list of popular games that are playable on the Mobile Intel® 945GM Express Chipset on Microsoft Windows XP*. This information is provided solely as a convenience for customers. The list is not intended to be complete or all-inclusive, and is subject to change or revision without notice.

* What if my game is not listed in the table?

Intel's goal is to deliver the most optimal gaming experience on Intel based platforms. Individual game experience may vary depending on the game application version and computer configuration.
Game Title

Additional Details
(if available)
Age of Empires III* Details
The Apprentice*
Asheron's Call: Throne of Destiny*
The Bard's Tale*
Black & White* 2
Championship Manager* 5
City of Villains*
Civilization III: Conquests*
Colin McRae Rally 2005*
Command & Conquer*: The First Decade*
Conflict: Global Terror*
CSI: Miami*
Doom 3*
Doom 3* Resurrection of Evil* Expansion Pack Details
Dungeon Siege* II
Empire Earth* II
Fable: The Lost Chapters*
Falcon 4 - Allied Force*
FIFA 06 Soccer*
Fighting UFO*
Final Fantasy* XI Online
Ford Racing* 3
Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich*
Galactic Civilizations: Dread Lords*
The Godfather*
Guild Wars*
Guild Wars Factions*
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire*
The Incredibles*: Rise of the Underminer*
Knights of Honor*
Law & Order: Criminal Intent*
Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle*
The Lord of the Rings*: The Battle for Middle-earth*
Madden NFL 06* Details
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight*
Moto GP* Ultimate Racing Technology* 3
The Movies*
Nancy Drew*: Last Train To Blue Moon Canyon*
Nancy Drew*: Secret of the Old Clock*
Need for Speed* Most Wanted Black Edition
Perimeter: Emperor's Testament*
Phlinx To Go*
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3: Soaked!*
The Sims*: Complete Collection*
The Sims* 2 Holiday Edition
The Sims* 2 Nightlife Expansion Pack
Star Wars* Empire at War*
Star Wars* Republic Commando*
The Suffering: Ties That Bind* Details
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR* 2005
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR* 2006
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland*
Ultima Online*: Samurai Empire*
Warcraft III: Battlechest*
Warhammer* 40,000: Dawn of War - Winter Assault*
World of Warcraft*
Zoo Tycoon* Complete Collection
Zoo Tycoon* 2: Endangered Species

03 April 2009

DPLK Muamalat

DPLK muamalat
walaupun secara namanya adalah dana pensiun lembaga keuangan
bertujuan untuk investasi menyongsong pensiun, belum tentu investasi ini bebas dari kerugian.
ini terbukti dari DPLK saya yang rugi 3,5juta karena salah memilih instrumen investasi jenis C. dimana disitu disebutkan jenis C adalah investasi pada instrumen 22% cash eqv 78% reksadana.

anak kecil jadi bikin efek

Kevin Lin, 12tahun
menggunakan Adobe After Effects untuk membuat special effects ini.

acrobat pakai ice cream

ice cream acrobat

puisi ibu dan facebook

puisi yang mengena dihati para ibu penggemar facebook

rokok dan doa

betapa orang peduli dengan saudaranya yang merokok...

wajib di contoh.

29 Maret 2009

peraturan baru F1 2009

diambil dari sebastian vettel redbull racing team

octopus vs shrimp

8 idiot people

8 idiot people

18 Maret 2009

26 Februari 2009


beginilah cerita krisis yang terjadi di USA

google earth 5

kalau penasaran klik aja...
Google earth 5

25 Februari 2009

ayah 13 tahun ??

Meet Alfie Patten, a 13-year-old boy who now is the father of a healthy baby daughter, becoming the second youngest father after Sean Stewart who had a son at 12 years old in modern UK. Alfie Patten and girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, 15, welcome daughter Maisie Roxanne who weighed 7lb 3oz four days ago, Dailymail cited The Sun as reporting.

Alfie lives with his mother Nicola, 43, in Eastbourne, was 12 when Maisie was conceived after the pair had just one night of unprotected, the newspaper said.

With a tender age of only 13, Alfie Patten stands 4 feet high and looks like no more than a 10-year-old boy. Patten does not have living means and occasionally got pocket money from his father Denise. Even don't know what's the meaning of "financially", still, Alfie Patten insisted he will be a good father when asked by the media what he will do for money to care for his daughter. We wish him good luck!

Read the full story over here: Sun

movie make-up

instan snow

burung mancing ikan

pernah liat burung mancing ikan? ikan dia burungnya

zidane ??

Wall Street Fighter 4

17 Februari 2009

16 Februari 2009

GPSed Track "Ofice"

View my new track "Ofice" started in Indonesia, West Java, Bekasi.

Powered by GPSed.com - Free Mobile GPS Tracking Service

14 Februari 2009

GPSed Track "Karisma"

View my new track "Karisma" started in Indonesia, West Java, Bekasi.

Hereis my badminton place

Powered by GPSed.com - Free Mobile GPS Tracking Service

12 Februari 2009

Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009

jujur, aku bikin tulisan ini hanya pengen ikutan lomba,
walaupun ga mungkin dapat juara
yang penting sudah berpartisisapi, eh partisipasi

seperti yg sudah di tulis, kalo lomba itu mempunyai aturan "no rule"
jadi ga masalah, bagaimana caranya
yang penting pada saatnya nanti posisi kita harus top ten di google.

berikut copyan dari web ceo nya

And I have increased the total of PRIZES as the giveaway of this competition becoming more than $500.

The Prizes for the competition are as follows:

1st Prize: Rp 5.000.000 + 16Gb USB drive
2nd Prize: Rp 2.000.000 + 8 Gb USB drive
3rd Prize: Rp 1.000.000 + 8 Gb USB drive
4th Prize: 8 Gb USB drive
5th Prize: 8 Gb USB drive
6th Prize: 4 Gb USB drive
7th Prize: 4 Gb USB drive
8th Prize: 4 Gb USB drive
9th Prize: 4 Gb USB drive
10th Prize: 4 Gb USB drive

And the rules for the competition is ?


Please don’t laugh after knowing I haven’t make the rules. There are some reason I decided it. One of the reason is: Does Google make rules/guidelines how to be top 10 in Google? NO, right?
SEO is fun, why I should make the rules for something that you have to enjoy.

My lucky peanut.

Walaupun dr dulu blm pernah dapat hadiah,akhirnya semalam terbukti kalo aku bisa juga dapat hadiah.ini buktinya.dapat hadiah 5000.alhamdulillah..

11 Februari 2009

Cara membongkar SE G502

berikut ada tutorial cara membuka casing SE g502 dalam 2 menit..

cara membuka PSP

guide to dissambly PSP


Dengan Esia Transfer, kamu bisa transfer dan jual Talktime yang kamu punya kapan saja dan dimana saja. Begitu juga semua Talktime yang telah kamu dapatkan dari Terima Telpon, Ajak Teman atau Jual Konten. Jadi uang deh...untung kan ?

Dan juga layanan terbaru dan pertama di Indonesia, kamu bisa transfer dan jual Masa Aktif. Jadi teman kamu yang masih punya banyak Talktime tapi sudah hampir masuk ke masa tenggang, daripada Talktimenya hangus, bisa beli Masa Aktif dari kamu. Bahkan kamu bisa juga beli tambahan Masa Aktif untuk kamu sendiri dengan menggunakan nomormu sendiri sebagai nomor Esia penerima.

Caranya :

  1. Untuk kirim Talktime :
    Ketik:TRANSFERJumlah TalkTime yang mau dikirimNo.Esia penerima beserta kode areanya kirim ke 789 (tarif Rp250/SMS+PPn)
    Contoh : TRANSFER 5000 02192889288

  2. Untuk kirim Masa Aktif :
    Ketik:WAKTUJumlah Hari tambahan masa aktif yang mau dikirimNo.Esia penerima beserta kode areanya kirim ke 789 (Rp250/hari+PPn + Rp250/sms+PPn)
    Contoh : WAKTU 5 02192889288

Ketentuan :

Untuk pelanggan Pasca Bayar :
  • Pelanggan Pasca Bayar bisa kirim Talktime ke pelanggan Pra Bayar.
  • Jumlah maximal yang bisa dikirim setiap bertransaksi adalah Rp 50.000, dengan kelipatan Rp 1000.
  • Jumlah maximal yang bisa dikirim setiap bulannya adalah Rp 250.000

Untuk pelanggan Pra Bayar :

  • Pelanggan Pra Bayar bisa kirim Talktime dan Masa Aktif ke pelanggan Pra Bayar
  • Kamu adalah pelanggan esia yang sudah aktif lebih dari 40 hari
  • Kamu sudah pernah melakukan Isi Ulang setidaknya satu kali dengan nilai minimal Rp. 10.000
Setelah kamu melakukan transfer, perlu tersisa minimal Talktime sejumlah Rp 5000.

sumber esia

subhanallah, koloni semut

subhanallah, inilah gambaran sebuah koloni semut
bisa sampai 50m persegi, lebih dari 40 tons tanah yang dipindahkan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar rumah koloni semut itu.

design kapal

karena kapal harus bisa selalu diatas air dan tidak boleh tenggelam
orang berusaha membuat kapal sedemikian rupa


Mercusuar adalah sebuah bangunan menara dengan sumber cahaya di puncaknya untuk membantu navigasi kapal laut. Sumber cahaya yang digunakan beragam mulai dari lampu sampai lensa dan (pada jaman dahulu) api.

Karena saat ini navigasi kapal laut telah berkembang pesat dengan bantuan GPS, jumlah mercusuar di dunia telah merosot menjadi kurang dari 1.500 buah. Mercusuar biasanya digunakan untuk menandai daerah-daerah yang berbahaya, misalnya karang dan daerah laut yang dangkal.

itulah sebabnya bangunan mersuar itu harus kuat menahan terjangan ombak seperti yang ada di video ini

form model to zombie (photoshop)

Bagaimana burung menangkap ikan?

beginilah caranya... liat kecepatannya yang beda jauh dengan ikan

Tough guy competition 2009

Ajang perlombaan pria tangguh 2009 di inggris 2009

10 Februari 2009

mobilnya selebritis

Celebrities don’t just get chauffeured from party to party, many of them actually own, take pride in, and drive their own vehicles. Check out this list of celebrities and their cars.

Kim Kardashian Drives A Bentley Continental, Range Rover.

Fergie – Owns an H2.

Simon Cowell drives a million dollar Bugatti Veyron.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie drive a BMW Hydrogen 7.

George Clooney drives the two seater electric Tango 600.

Jeremy Piven Drives A Ford Bronco.

Daniel Craig Drives An Audi S6.

Kendra Wilkinson Drives A DUB Edition Cadillac Escalade.

Xzibit in his Lamborghini Gallardo.

Benji Madden in his 1950 Ford Shoebox.

David Beckham’s Car - Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead Coup.

Paris Hilton’s Car - Bentley Continental GT Coupe.

Kevin Dillon’s Car - Lincoln.

Miley Cyrus Drives A Porsche Cayenne GTS.

Pierce Brosnan – Owns an Aston Martin Vanquish.

Kevin Costner drives an Audi Q7 and Audi S8.

Kristen Cavallari – Drives a BMW 3 Series Coupe.

Samuel Jackson drives a Maybach 57 S.

Paris Hilton – Owns a Mercedes Benz SLR.

Ryan Seacrest – Drives around in an Aston Martin.

Britney Spears – Drives a Mercedes SLR McLaren and a CLK.

Sienna Miller – Drives an Audi TT.

Sienna Miller Drives An Audi TT.

Nicholas Cage Drives A Ferrari Enzo.

Jennifer Garner Drives A Mercedes S63.

Audrina Patridge Drives A Mercedes SL.

Adrian Grenier Drives A Toyota Prius.

all post take from here